Tuesday, June 15, 2010

first impressions of the city..

[alright, i am a little less than a week behind, since it took me a while to figure out how to embed these players on this page.. but blah blah, done.]

i suppose that, first, i would like to thank who ever it was that mowed the giant happy face in the field outside of philadelphia that i saw from the plane as we were coming in for our landing..
it was magical.. and i am somewhat certain that i was the only one on the plane to see it (why am i certain...well..i am not sure.. likely because nobody else burst into laughter.. but that might be a little unfair).
also, i would like to thank the girl at the bus stop, who answered the first of my many questions to philadelphians about the mechanism of public transit, AND gave me a fare token to get on the bus when i realized that i did not have three dollars, but a five instead..
your fingernails were terrifyingly neon pink, and your grace was fluorescent as well..

so, this is a short recording that i made on my first evening in town, walking from the apartment to the grocery store (whole foods).

first glimpse by a philadelphia experiment

i hope to mix more text, photos and videos with these audio recordings.. but for tonight, this will have to do. als0, this is a capture more or less of what there is to capture..

also, i intend to make the language a little more family friendly.. i was just a bit excited in the recording...

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